Thursday, July 8, 2010

"The Natural" in Fawlt Magazine!

Well, looky-here, I happened to stuble upon a story I didn't even realize had gotten published in Fawlt Magazine. This is actually an excerpt from the first chapter of a much earlier draft of my as-yet-unpublished first novel.'s free! Enjoy! With any luck, someday I'll be posting a link here about the whole thing!

1 comment:

  1. I read this and my honest opinion is that the writing is hypnotic and captivating. It draws me in as the description of subtle nuances are excellent but the plot lacks a captivating quality that takes me on a ride so to speak. When I read fiction, on the rare occasions that I do, I like to escape the day to day quandaries that are often presented...So it is just a preference but I would say that with an amazing story to tell you could be a great master among authors.Take care!
